"Heyuan Liji" is a joint venture between Heyuan Biotechnology (stock code: 688238) and Liji Biotechnology, specializing in the "Liji Biotechnology" and "Life-ilab" reagent brands
What is Annexin V/PI assay?
The Annexin V/PI assay is used to distinguish early apoptotic cells through Annexin V labeling and necrotic/dead cells through propiconazole (PI) labeling. In the early stage of apoptosis, the cell membrane begins to lose asymmetry, leading to the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS) to the outer surface of the membrane, where it can be detected by annexin V conjugates. However, in the case of membrane rupture, such as necrosis, annexin V conjugates can enter and bind to PS residues in the inner membrane, leading to false positive results. Therefore, it is recommended to use non membrane penetrating nuclear dyes (such as PI) in combination with annexin V conjugates. This allows users to distinguish between early apoptotic cells (Annexin V staining), late apoptotic cells (Annexin V and PI staining), and necrotic cells (PI staining only).