"Heyuan Liji" is a joint venture between Heyuan Biotechnology (stock code: 688238) and Liji Biotechnology, specializing in the "Liji Biotechnology" and "Life-ilab" reagent brands
Wb protein extraction experiment tutorial video (PBS/column animal tissue/cell total protein extraction reagent)
superfetal bovine serum(Foetal Bovine Serum)
Product Item Number: AC03L054/ AC03L055/
Product Specifications: 100mL/ 500mL/
EZ Trans Cell Transfection Reagent (Efficient)
Product Item Number: AC04L091/ AC04L092/
Product Specifications: 1mL/ 50mL/
Quick Cell Mycoplasma Rapid Detection Kit (cell culture specific)
Product Item Number: AC16L061/
Product Specifications: 50T/