181 个关于 细胞凋亡搜索结果
Characterisation of forkhead box protein A3 as a key transcription factor for hepatocyte regeneration了解详情
Phosphorylated YBX2 is stabilized to promote glycolysis in brown adipocytes了解详情
Butyrate reverses ferroptosis resistance in colorectal cancer by inducing c-Fos-dependent xCT suppression了解详情
ATF3 positively regulates antibacterial immunity by modulating macrophage killing and migration functions了解详情
The amyloid structure of mouse RIPK3 (receptor interacting protein kinase 3) in cell necroptosis了解详情
Protective Effect of Compound Tongluo Decoction on Brain Vascular Endothelial Cells after Ischemia‐Reperfusion by Inhibition of Ferroptosis Through Regulating …了解详情