181 个关于 细胞凋亡搜索结果
A Pathogenic Role for FcγRI in the Immune Response against Chlamydial Respiratory Infection了解详情
FBXO22 is a potential therapeutic target for recurrent chondrosarcoma了解详情
Expansion of KRAS hotspot mutations reactive T cells from human pancreatic tumors using autologous T cells as the antigen-presenting cells了解详情
Hyperlanins A and B, Two Highly Rearranged Meroterpenoids from Hypericum lancasteri了解详情
Engineering of near-PAMless adenine base editor with enhanced editing activity and reduced off-target了解详情
PPTC7 acts as an essential co-factor of the SCFFBXL4 ubiquitin ligase complex to restrict BNIP3/BNIP3L-dependent mitophagy了解详情