181 个关于 细胞凋亡搜索结果
ATR/Chk1 interacting lncRNA modulates DNA damage response to induce breast cancer chemoresistance了解详情
A novel and secure pseudovirus reporter system based assay for neutralizing and enhancing antibody assay against Marburg virus了解详情
Cas9‐orthologue‐mediated cytosine and adenine base editors recognizing NNAAAA PAM sequences了解详情
mTORC1/S6K1 signaling promotes sustained oncogenic translation through modulating CRL3IBTK-mediated ubiquitination of eIF4A1 in cancer cells了解详情
D-mannose facilitates immunotherapy and radiotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer via degradation of PD-L1了解详情
Bioinformatics profiling and experimental validation of 4 differentially-expressed LIM genes in the course of colorectal-adenoma-carcinoma了解详情