36 个关于 胎牛血清搜索结果
DRDB: A Machine Learning Platform to Predict Chemical-Protein Interactions towards Diabetic Retinopathy了解详情
Deubiquitinase USP7 stabilizes KDM5B and promotes tumor progression and cisplatin resistance in nasopharyngeal carcinoma through the ZBTB16/TOP2A …了解详情
Exploration on the Effect of Anserine on the Alleviation of Dvt and its Molecular Mechanism了解详情
The YTHDC1/GLUT3/RNF183 axis forms a positive feedback loop that modulates glucose metabolism and bladder cancer progression了解详情
A network pharmacology-based study on vital pharmacological pathways and targets of eucommiae cortex acting on osteoporosis了解详情
Lignin-Assisted local release of triiodothyronine in adipose tissue protects mice against obesity and related metabolic disorders了解详情