158 个关于 转染试剂搜索结果
One‐Pot Controllable Assembly of a Baicalin‐Condensed Aptamer Nanodrug for Synergistic Anti‐Obesity了解详情
An ultrapotent pan-β-coronavirus lineage B (β-CoV-B) neutralizing antibody locks the receptor-binding domain in closed conformation by targeting its conserved …了解详情
Two compact Cas9 ortholog-based cytosine base editors expand the DNA targeting scope and applications in vitro and in vivo了解详情
A novel base editor SpRY-ABE8eF148A mediates efficient A-to-G base editing with a reduced off-target effect了解详情
Mir155 regulates osteogenesis and bone mass phenotype via targeting S1pr1 gene了解详情
Cezanne contributes to cancer progression by playing a key role in the deubiquitination of IGF-1R了解详情