164 个关于 转染试剂搜索结果
NSUN2 stimulates tumor progression via enhancing TIAM2 mRNA stability in pancreatic cancer了解详情
D-mannose promotes the degradation of IDH2 through upregulation of RNF185 and suppresses breast cancer了解详情
Engineered Extracellular Vesicle‐Delivered CRISPR/CasRx as a Novel RNA Editing Tool了解详情
PE-STOP: A versatile tool for installing nonsense substitutions amenable for precise reversion了解详情
Tight Junction Component Occludin Binds to FIP5 to Regulate Endosome Trafficking and Mitotic Spindle Function了解详情
AutoDock and molecular dynamics-based therapeutic potential prediction of flavonoids for primary Sjögren's syndrome了解详情