Cell Biology
Western Blot
Fluorescent labeling dye
Synthesis and extraction of nucleic acids
Microbial culture
Biochemical reagents
Instrument consumables
Universal tissue cell fixative (4% paraformaldehyde, enzyme free)AC28L113500mL
RIPA cracking solution (weak)AP01L034100mL
RIPA cracking solution (middle)AP01L024100mL
Phosphatase inhibitor II cocktail (50 ×)AP03L025AP03L0261mL5*1mL
PMSF solution (100mM)AP02L014AP02L0151mL5*1mL
Red blood cell lysateAP01L106100mL
Western/IP cell lysate (with inhibitor)AP01L076100mL
SDS cell lysate (with inhibitor)AP01L065100mL
NP40 cracking solution (with inhibitor)AP01L054100mL
Piko Orange Protein Quantification KitAP12L034AP12L036100assays1000assays
BCA protein quantification kitAP12L025500T
Bradford Protein Quantification KitAP12L015500T
Protein imprinting membrane regeneration solution (antibody stripping solution)AP14L086AP14L087100mL500mL
Ponceau S SolutionAP11L026100mL
Bovine serum albumin, fifth component (BSA, Fraction V)AP36L014AP36L015AP36L016AP36L017AP36L01825g50g100g500g1000g