"Heyuan Liji" is a joint venture between Heyuan Biotechnology (stock code: 688238) and Liji Biotechnology, specializing in the "Liji Biotechnology" and "Life-ilab" reagent brands


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NP40 cracking solution (with inhibitor)

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Product Item Number
Product Specifications
original price
  • AP01L054
Product Description Product FAQ COA Product Literature MSDS Operation Video

Product Description

NP40 lysis buffer is a relatively mild cell tissue lysis buffer, mainly composed of 50 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, as well as various inhibitors such as sodium pyrophosphate, β - glycerophosphate, sodium orthovanadate, sodium fluoride, EDTA, and leupeptin. It has a strong lytic effect on both cytoplasmic and nuclear components, which is beneficial for the extraction of cytoplasmic proteins, nuclear proteins, cytoplasmic phosphorylated proteins, and nuclear transcription factors. Suitable for the preparation of conventional Western, IP, and co IP experimental protein samples.

Product components

Product Code

Product components

Product specifications


NP40 cracking solution

100 mL

phosphatase inhibitors

2*1 mL


1 mL

Product manual

One copy


Transportation and storage

Blue ice transportation. The cracking solution is stored at 4 ℃, while the rest is stored at -20 ℃, with a shelf life of 12 months.

This product is only for scientific experimental research and should not be used in clinical diagnosis, treatment, or other fields.

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Contact Information

Landline Phone Number:021-50778506 
Service Manager:18616108315

Address:4th Floor, Building 27, Lane 908, Ziping Road, Pudong New Area International Medical Park, Shanghai


Copyright (C) 2015-2025 Heyuan Liji (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved






