"Heyuan Liji" is a joint venture between Heyuan Biotechnology (stock code: 688238) and Liji Biotechnology, specializing in the "Liji Biotechnology" and "Life-ilab" reagent brands


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Annexin V-647/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit

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Product Item Number
Product Specifications
original price
  • AC12L042
  • AC12L043
Product Description Product FAQ COA Product Literature MSDS Operation Video

Product Description

The Annexin V-647/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit provides a fast and convenient method for detecting cell apoptosis levels by labeling early apoptotic cells (far red) and necrotic cells (red). The product can be detected using flow cytometry or other fluorescence detection equipment.

Annexin V-647 can label apoptotic cells. Annexin V selectively binds to phosphatidylserine (PS). When cells undergo early apoptosis, PS will turn outward to the cell surface, that is, the outer side of the cell membrane. Annexin V, also known as Annexin V-647, labeled with a far red fluorescent probe 647, can bind to valgus phosphatidylserine to detect important features of cell apoptosis. Compared with ordinary fluorescein, Li Ji Biology's 647 dye has higher fluorescence brightness and is not affected by the pH of the environment, demonstrating good photostability.

Propidium iodide (PI) is a DNA binding dye that can stain the nuclei of necrotic cells or cells that have lost membrane integrity in the late stage of apoptosis. PI can be excited by lasers at 488532 or 546 nm, exhibiting red fluorescence.

Product components

Product Code

Product composition

Packaging specifications


1×Annexin V Combining buffer solution

50 mL

Annexin V-647

250 μL


500 μL


1×Annexin V Combining buffer solution

50 mL×2

Annexin V-647

500 μL


1 mL

Transportation and storage

Blue ice transportation. Store at 4 ℃ away from light, with a shelf life of 24 months.

This product is only for scientific experimental research and should not be used in clinical diagnosis, treatment, or other fields.

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Contact Information

Landline Phone Number:021-50778506 
Service Manager:18616108315

Address:4th Floor, Building 27, Lane 908, Ziping Road, Pudong New Area International Medical Park, Shanghai


Copyright (C) 2015-2025 Heyuan Liji (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved






